Beginning or Ending

The humanity had a greater intelligence then other species that has lived or had been living in our planet, Earth. As a specie with a better brainpower we could choose how we act as in our life or we can choose what is good or bad for us as well as others, but these thing can depend from a person to another, such as alcohol. As well as these can depend on our thinking style it can also change by outside factors, as an example it can be culture, religion, or just how we were thought starting from a young age by the people surrounding us.

Till this point in life a lot of people had been discussing whether what we do if not how we act in life or what we become in life matters. From my point of view the timeline till we became adults, we have memories we probably want to erase from our brain or completely wish we hadn’t acted that way, in short it’s called regression.

So my opinion about this topic is that till a time in our life what we do does not matter because there is high possibility that we would regret it later, but in later on of our life’s our brain progresses and we start to develop a better idea of who we are as well as our characteristic, that means when we do something, it can be good or bad, it is a choose of ours. It’s not a childish act but rather what we wanted to do at that time, therefore I do not think that there would be a higher change of regression, it also does not mean that we definitely wouldn’t regret our act in some ways

To sum up, the brain develop later of our life so our chooses that we do can depend on it, the act we do till that time doesn’t matter till a point. If we want to get better in life we choose to mature and add more useful skills to our brain, in the end these thing we do to mature act a lot in our character also helping us to what we become later on. That is why I think that the end matters more than the beginning.

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