Becoming Like Other People

All people meet many people throughout their lives. When they first come into the world, they meet their parents and even their siblings, if they have any. They also see new faces as they stay somewhere throughout their lives. Even in the lessons, when a subject is explained, the names of people who are professionalised in this field are given. As we get to know these people, we find some of them more sincere and some more repulsive. We even try to take these sincere people as an example. These exemplary people are called idols

But some people exaggerate this idol issue very much. They act as if they live their lives through his eyes. They wear the same clothes, eat the same food, try to do the same activity. Some people even copy what these idols do and even claim that they do it themselves. Some people can offer this justification when they fail because they cannot make their own lifestyles similar to their idols. The biggest problem of these people is that they copy and paste directly instead of taking examples from these idols. People think that they can have the same life as their idols and believe that they will be successful when they behave like him. But one thing they forget is that every person is unique.

From the moment you are born, you have a life and you want to be successful. While developing yourself in the field you want to succeed, you can see many people who have been successful and get their advice. But the one who knows you best is yourself and you should determine your own path as you progress in this field. Of course, there will be similarities with your idols on the way you go, but the part that will show you will undoubtedly be your differences. Rather than copying the path of your idol, when you make his path unique to you and move forward, you both get different ideas and have the capacity to fight more easily when the problem arises.

In short, you can idolise many people in your life, but you can be successful in your life by taking them as an example instead of copying them. You are the only one in the world and you are not and cannot be likened to anyone else.


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