Be Yourself, Not Someone Else

People constantly want to be loved, understood, listened to by someone. Sometimes these desires happen only in innocent ways, and sometimes they change a person so much. Sometimes it becomes an obsession to want to be loved by someone, and there is no struggle left for this. Even human beings cease to be their own in the direction of being loved. But he does not know that the most beautiful and innocent thing about love is that there is someone who can love him in any way, that he accepts him in any way.

First of all, if a person does not love himself, he does not believe that anyone can love him in any way. In line with this, he thinks that changing himself is the most logical way. But there is one thing that he does not realize, and that is that he does not love himself, not his beliefs. For example, if you are a person who has never loved himself, “Oh, he loves me in every way, and I love him the same way.” have you ever heard him say? I do not think so.

Secondly, people who have been hit many times in their life also do not believe that someone can love them for nothing. Because they have no trust in anyone, and they have no patience for anyone. Actually, they have their own reasons, I don’t blame them. But there is also one thing they have forgotten, that there are people who have been hit like them. And actually, if they meet each other, they actually love each other very much, but unfortunately. Because they have submitted to everything now, they don’t trust anyone, and they take on different personalities just to avoid eating up the other person’s stakes again, and they don’t open themselves up. That’s why they can’t find the ones who really love them.

Thirdly, they have been told by someone throughout their life, “You should not reveal your own feelings to anyone, if you do, they will exclude you!” because it is said, there are people who suppress their own feelings and turn into different characters. In fact, although some people say these things under the purpose of protecting, they need to admit that this is not a method of protection. By doing so, they increase people’s tendency to change themselves more. This leads them to suppress themselves throughout their lives and constantly pretend to be someone different.

As a result, changing yourself is the biggest damage you do to yourself. Sometimes, whether you do it to protect yourself, to be loved, or because of pressure, you are the one who does the greatest evil, and you are doing it to yourself again, not to someone else. Be yourself and let go and find the people you belong to.




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