Lettering be yourself with doodle crown. Inspirational quote

Be Yourself

Trying to be like someone else actually means losing your essence from the very beginning. One must first know himself. It should reveal their own feelings and characters. It is actually difficult for a person to try to know himself, but to try to be like someone else is actually even more difficult.

To be like oneself means to reveal one’s personality while growing up over the years, that is, while living. Upbringing and training are very important. A person’s character and emotions are not formed all at once. These inborn traits take shape in a person’s life. Characteristics such as being a good person, being helpful, being emotional, using one’s mind, being solution-oriented, being strong, etc. are formed over time by their own efforts. If he already incorporates these into his body, he does not need to be like someone else. He believes in himself and avoids imitation.

There are also those who are not content with what they have, but take care of others and want to be like them. Sometimes it is very, very natural to imitate and be inspired by the positive aspects of others. But completely denying one’s own existence and living like someone else is actually a huge void in which a person lives.

For example, situations such as wanting to be like rich people, emulating a car someone else drives, emulating weak buildings, constantly trying to be like others by making aesthetics make us forget our own personality and all we have is unhappiness. What will make us happy is to bring our own existence to the forefront and exist with our own nature. In this life, trying to be like others is very tiring.

In summary, I can say; “Always be yourself and don’t try to be someone else. Don’t lose the traits that make you you. Have a stand of your own in life. Let everyone talk about you for who you are. If you’re like someone else, people around you will like who you are, not who you are. Don’t be too hard on yourself and don’t fool people. Rather than being a stranger, be sincere and be yourself. Life is too short to be like anyone else anyway”

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