So, you know how we all love watching movies and TV series, right? It’s super fun, but there are good and not-so-good things about it. Let’s talk about how we can make sure it’s all cool and balanced.

First off, the good stuff! Watching shows can be awesome because we get to learn new things, discover different places, and even pick up some cool skills. Like, have you ever seen a show about space and felt like you could be an astronaut? Yeah, me too!

But, wait, there’s a catch. Too much of a good thing can sometimes be not-so-good. Spending too much time in front of the screen can make us miss out on real-life adventures, like playing with friends or going outside. It’s like, balance is the key!

So, what can we do to make sure we’re not glued to the screen 24/7? How about setting a cool schedule? We can have specific times for shows and make sure we also have time for homework, sports, and hanging out with friends.

And hey, watching with our family or friends can be a blast! We can talk about the shows, share our thoughts, and even discover new favorites together.

In a nutshell, enjoying movies and TV series is rad, but let’s keep it real and balanced. A mix of screen time and real-life adventures is the way to go. Let’s be 7th graders who rock both the virtual and real world!


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