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I was a world-famous assasin, until I was caught.The assassination I received from the king at the beginning of the 18th century was my last expedition.

In this mission to neutralize the king of the hostile kingdom, I could more or less predict what would happen: the death penalty if I failed, or my life in hiding if I succeeded, but I risked it all and set out on the journey.A few weeks later I reached the hostile kingdom, but what to see. Ruined houses everywhere, families lying on the streets, and many soldiers roaming around. It was as if the country had already brought its own demise. I wanted to know what’s going on here before I do my duty.I went into an inn to stay the night. The first thing that struck me odd about the inn was that there were no customers there, but it was very strange because this place, which used to be inaccessible to tourists and people, is now completely empty. Something felt wrong, but I couldn’t understand what it was. I asked the woman working at the inn what was going on here and she started to explain. “Since the war began, their king has been paranoid and has increased taxes so much that no one can stay at home, and all the men in the country have been taken to the battlefield.”After hearing this, I was once again convinced that the king’s murder was the right thing to do. I made a sketch of the castle where the king was located and made plans. A week later, everything was ready, my plan had to be perfect.I started to execute my plan until I realized that the king’s right arm was using him for their own ends. If I was going to do that, I had to neutralize them both. I started waiting. I couldn’t see the king’s right arm for hours, but after a long wait, I managed to catch them both together.Both were disabled, but I still had to escape from this palace. I ran for so long that I was aching all over. When I finally got to the border, I was very sure that I would escape, but suddenly the guards in front of me caught me.I knew what was going to happen to me but what should I wish for in my last wish, the men to be executed get a chance to make one last wish, in my last wish I decided to write a letter to my beloved wife.

They asked me if it was my final decision and I said “no” without hesitation.


kültürlü bir suikastçının başından geçenler
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