Aspects of Cloning

Cloning is one of the most discussed topics today. Besides the question whether are we technologically appropriate to do clones, cloning is currently being discussed in terms of whether it is ethical or not.  Although cloning is thought to be of great benefit to humanity in the workforce and many other areas at first thought, we do not know if it is really ethically appropriate. So cloning has many different aspects from advantages and dis advantage.



As I mentioned before, cloning has a lot of information, both positive and negative. First, with the positive effects of cloning, we could manage to save both endangered animals and animals that facing extinction right now. And as we all know because of climate change ecosystems start to fall and as ecosystems fall animals that face extinction are increasing too. But with cloning, we could manage to save some of these animals or even de-extinct the animals which have extinct from earth millions of years ago. For example in recent months, bioscientists have learned that the DNA of an Asian elephant is 99% identical to mammoths. And with this information, we could de-extinct mammoths. We all know the first example of cloning which is Dolly (sheep). In 1996 a group of scientists take the DNA from a sheep and then give it to the mother sheep’s egg and then there it was the identical copy, Dolly. And with cloning, we could do many things at medicine. With cloning we could clone the tissue of an organ that is essential for survival at human or animal bodies. With this technology, human life could be expanded very much and we could clone proteins for humans to make people make healthier and more energetic. However, there is an ethical part of this conversation too. When we clone something we nearly destroy the identity of the unborn life and it is not ethical to have an impact on a living thing that is not born with cloning there is an argument about if we clone someone will their feelings would be the same? and still, we don’t know it. And many religions are against the belief of cloning as well. And if we clone something don’t we take its freedom from it



In conclusion; Although, cloning has very beneficial effects on humanity and technology it has a bigger effect on our ethical thoughts and about our ethics. I think we shouldn’t make more progress about cloning because as we make progress about this topic we would be more selfish and we would be more ignorant about ethics. I think  ethics are very important to humans because it is basically how we attract people and with animals

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