Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence has captured all us in last 50 years. It effected us both bad and good  ways. It even changed our lifestyle. We have started adding technology to our jobs. Because it seems easier, but as we all predict (like every technological case  ) it has bad effects for humanity.

Scientist thinks artificial intelligence will make some jobs to disappear. As I said, we have started using technology to make our works easier. Unfortunately, factory managers have the idea (like  me) technology and artificial intelligence technological devices are going  to make their job easier and cheaper which means they are going to use machines instead of handwork which can cause some jobs to disappear. Actually it has already started since industrial revolution (1760). We can take 1760 as the birth of technology and the death of handwork.  As the report of Foreign News Service Investment Bank Goldman Sachs artificial intelligence  could replace 300 million full-time jobs. Which means quarter of Europe will be jobless. We could give an example for the journalists. According to Carl Benedikt Flay(Specializing in the future of professions at Oxford University) journalists salary will decrease because of ChatGPT. Unfortunately, we have a possibility to talk that job ”journalist” will disappear in least 20 years. 

We have lots of examples for jobs to disappear. I think we need to say stop for this if we don’t want economic crisis in 10 years.

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