Are They Equal?

Do you think that women and men all over the world have the same rights when it comes to education. I think that they don’t. Not only in education but all of the rights. Women get paid less than men. In the USA women have to pay more taxes than men because their taxes are pink. Saudi Arabia is the only country in the world where women aren’t allowed to drive. In Sudan 10 years old girls are allowed to get married. In Iran wives have to take permission from their husbands to travel abroad… Also in the USA the court of supreme took away the right to abortion and other basic human rights. Some countries that don’t allow women to work are:

  • Syria
  • Iraq
  • Afghanistan
  • Algeria

Women are also criticized by society. They also go through one of the five most painful things, birth. Along with always being expected to do the housework or clean the dishes or clean the house. And let’s not forget about violence against women.

So, do you still think that women and men are treated equally.

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