Are there any others than us?Or any other “Us”?

Did you ever think about the maximum of something you can think of? Well It sounds wierd but let me put It this way. Your mind is actually not that capable of thinking about sizes bigger than what you see daily.Like buildings. If you think about It the biggest thing you see daily is a building. A average home is around 100m² and buildings are supposed to have those home stacked on top of each other. Let’s say a eight story building is a 8 100m² stacked on top of each other. With this on mind we can estimate how many people theoretically can live on earth. Earth has 127525000 km² of land. You can make a quick math to find it out. It is so much more than you thought right. Well It is not, It will be in a second. Our planet is the fifth biggest planet in our solar system. Assuming they are the same size now multiply the number you found out by 8. Now it is a much bigger number. This is only “Our” soalr system. Knowing that we are only just one of the millions of other solar systems is kinda terrifying. What is astonishing about the vastness of space is that all of the things I said is all in single Galaxy, The Milky Way. So there is mllions if not billions of other Galaxies we don’t know much about. If you want to push your brain to It’s limits of thinking let me introduce you the “Multiverse Theory”. According to this theory we are in only one universe that we only know a mere fraction of it and there are others. Millions if not billions if not trillions of them.It should be really hard to think that we are the only living beings in this limitless space of mostly nothingless. Well what if there are no other species but others. Considering there are countless Galaxies in countless Universes there might be another “You”. Actually countless other “You”s. If Multiverse exists there is infinite possibilities of action that has infinite possibilities of consequences. If we want to simplify it this means there is another “You” in another planet that is in a another Galaxy which then is in a other Universe with the slightest of the difference. Which can be the number of candies they have eaten in very specific day or the color of their hair or even the number of bacteria in his body. Lastly light travels the distance between earth and sun in nearly 8 minutes. 4 hour and 15 minutes to the furthest planet on our solar system. If any kind of light came from the furthest sun we can observe it would take so much time. If you started to write how much light years would it take to come here in numbers you could probably go to Mars and come back. Don’t forget it is only the one we can observe and they are only a fraction of what waits us. So even if there are others humans probably won’t receive any message even if they sent one. Because there won’t be anywhere for that message to come.Does the multiverse exist? - ABC Education

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