Are Songs Without A Meaning Behind, Art?

Music has come a long way. A lot of new genres were born throughout history. Because of its long way back history music is seen as a beautiful way of art that should be appreciated and protected. Nowadays the music industry is huge. Making songs is now easier than ever. Some might even say that everybody has a song out nowadays. This seems like a huge  exaggeration but it is somehow true. Most celebrities put out songs when their main job is something way different than music. This situation is concerning many people about the future of music.

Before, only talented and passionate people would make music because back then making music was really challenging but now it is super easy. That is why a lot of random people are putting out songs. Many say because of this music lost its meaning. Since so many random people are putting out songs finding meaningful lyrics has become way harder. Writing songs is a hard skill. Being able to tell a story following a rhythm and making it sound good is harder than most people would think. Most songs that are coming out nowadays have no actual meaning. They might even sound like a random word generator wrote the lyrics. But why do people listen to these songs if they are so meaningless?

The main thing people especially the younger people look for in songs nowadays is catchiness. If a song has a good beat and a person sings it with some style everybody loves it. These type of songs usually do not have a story-line or a message. Older generations are not okay with this usually as they prefer songs that have some emotion, message, story etc. Choosing catchy songs over meaningful songs is seen as a huge threat to the future of music among some people and they are right to a certain extent. Meaning in songs is really important and adds some quality to the song. Meaningless songs are just made for fun. This is what these people do not like

There is a huge debate about this. ‘Should songs without meaningful lyrics music be considered art?‘ I personally think they should be considered art. Paintings are considered art even if they don’t have a meaning behind. Also making songs that people will like and have fun to is also hard. Not as hard as songs with meaningful lyrics of course but still they require a sense of understanding people and knowing how to have fun which is a skill that is hard.

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