Appeal to Youth

We all probably know about the youth. That is, we have either read or heard of it. After all, it is a legacy that Atatürk left us.

Coming to the main subject, we all usually express it with the first words that come to mind. For example, if we give an example: Happiness, excitement, praise, make you feel special etc. We use things. Unfortunately, there are not so many words to tell. And I would say the same things that everyone would say. The reason for happiness is Especially when Atatürk said that we are the future of Turkey. The reason for the excitement is that it is sung loudly and loudly. The reason for self-confidence is that Atatürk trusts children more than adults, that is, us. The reason for self-confidence is that Atatürk trusts children more than adults, that is, us.
Unfortunately, these are the only things that the Address to Youth makes me feel.

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