Today, many religions and beliefs are believed. A debate has arisen because of these various religions and beliefs: Do beliefs enslave or liberate people? People are divided on this issue because there is no right or wrong side in this debate. However, it can be said with certainty that people’s own beliefs can explain both views.
First of all, it would be correct to define liberty to defend my own opinion. Liberty means; the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one’s way of life, behavior, or political views. According to this definition, beliefs are supposed to liberate people, but there is no practical possibility for any belief to liberate a person. The only possible sense of liberation might be the psychological liberation that the person feels because of being free to do what they are doing due to their beliefs. However, if you do not have a belief that you believe in, you will automatically be authorized to do most things that are forbidden to people of faith since there will be no restrictions on you anyway (except for laws and rules).
Apart from this, the fact that there are many different and conflicting beliefs causes you to do things that are prohibited according to other beliefs while belonging to one belief. This shows that there is no certain truth in beliefs. How true is a person to be judged according to a “truth” that is not even certain?
In addition, there are many examples of people’s rights being taken away in many faiths. For example, the prohibition of eating pork in Islam or the obligation for women to hide their bodies (including their hair) in, again, Islam. In some beliefs, even questioning the existence of God (or whatever they believe in) is considered forbidden. The number of things forbidden to be questioned has increased, and as a result, people have stopped questioning. As proof of this, we can see that the most developed, indirectly most questioning, countries do not have a specific belief.
In summary, attachment to any belief takes your freedom from you rather than bringing you freedom, enslaving you. There is usually no justification for taking these rights from you, and when there is a justification, it is not considered wrong by other beliefs. This shows that it does not have an objective value of truth or falsehood. The worst possibility is to have your right to question taken away from you. A person needs to question to grow, and many beliefs prevent you from questioning. In this case, how much can a person of faith improve himself?

Anti-Liberty Beliefs
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