
Like everyone knows, people are testing drugs on alive animals without using them on humans. I think this means that we can kill an animal but we shouldn’t kill a human life. I think it is ridiculous. If we are living on the same planet and if we are “ALIVE”, in my opinion we shouldn’t risk any animal life. So, we can test them on another nonliving thing, but we can’t end an animal life. Some drugs may not be succesful that’s why it can make the disease worse rather than cure it. If we have tested this on an animal beforehand, that animal may be injured or killed by the drug we failed to achieve. Or maybe these animals can have many genetic problems and this can actually be a big problem for us. Actually, the mistakes we make can lead us to even bigger mistakes. Of course, no one wants to risk a person’s life for a drug, but animals have alive as much as we are alive. And we can’t risk their lives. Like how we all find solutions about other problems in the world, I believe that we can find solution for this animals too!

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