There were a girl and a boy. Their names were: Julia and Easten. They were brother and sister. They liked to play together. One day Easten said to Julia : “Are you in the allegation?” Julia said: “Of course, but for what?” Easten said : “One dolar, is it okay? The challenge we’re doing is to try to go to the school first. Julia said : “Uhhh boring, we can do something else?” Easten said “No we cannot, sorry!” Julia said,”Okay!” Then Easten said, “One, two, three, run!” Julia won the race. Julia said,”Give me one dollar!” Easten said, “I am just 8 years old, how can I get one dollar, Julia?” Julia said, “That’s okay, you are my brother, it doesn’t matter.” And Easten said, “You are the best sister ever!”

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