When my alarm went off i was shoked by how fast the tıme for school came.It was 6.00 am and my room was fully dark but ı knew that ıf ı open my super thıck curtain the room wıll be so sunny so i went to my bathroom without openıng the curtains.İ washed my face ,brushed my theet and did my skıncare routıne.When i checked the time it was already 6.25 am and i just had 15 minutes to get ready .İ rushed to my room ,put my unıform on , did my make up and runned to my school bus. I found a seat and set there it was sunny outside as always.I hate the fact that it is always sunny or bright.In our world we dont have nights or dark days it is always day time and brıght.While i was thinking about these things we arrived to school.I went to my class ,put my bag on the desk and went out with my frıends.The class started and the lesson was scıence the teacher was talkıng about why is it always day time in our world .”A 100 year ago there was a really bıg explosion in our world thats why now we dont have nights “That maked sense but i was stil curıus about it i was going to ask a question but the lesson was over so i decided to ask my questıon later. The bell rang and all the students start to ran outside to the buses.I arrived home, did homework,eat dınner with my family and went outside with my friends .I spend 2 hours with my friends and went back home .It was 9.00 pm but stıll the sun was shınny my mom told me to close the curtains i went to my room closed my curtains and open the light.We do this every night because if we dont do we cant sleep or tell what time is it.After we close the curtains we usually watch a movie or watch the news and when the time is 23.00 pm i go to sleep.

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