For a very long time, the topic ‘’Aliens or creatures from outer space try to send messages to us’’ was talked about by theorists and scientists and it would be still on some debate point until we find them or if they find us. This topic got a few subtopics such as:
Those civilizations from extra-terrestrial who try to build a connection with us are very developed and advanced populations. Certainly, they are far ahead of us because we cannot even search our ocean depths but they somehow managed to send a message through a lightwave or some other advanced way. In this case, we will assume that they send the message with a light wave. Many many theories had thrown about the idea that we are not alone in this infinite awlays expanding universe. More people accepted and thought that this could be true than opinions that defend the idea that we are alone in the universe. This is mainly because according to the perfection of the creation of the universe and the balance of everything, the idea that we are alone is not matching with perfection. There are uncountable land areas that we didn’t explore. Saying that ‘’We are completely alone’’ is not very logical in my opinion. Now for the theory of ‘’We are not alone’’ This theory’s basis is that the universe is enormous and this whole universe cannot be the only home for us. Also, the fact that we exist in the first place should be a sign that there is absolutely life somewhere out there in the universe. Every single area that we explored is just like taking water from the ocean with a cup. And saying ‘’There are no fish’’ equals saying that ‘’There are no other creatures in the universe’’ Many important people also said some quotes about this. As Carl Sagan said: ‘’The universe is a pretty big place. If it’s just us, seems like an awful waste of space’’ He was not incorrect to me though. Just try to imagine all the planets that were created, all the systems all the stars. We evolved from a specie and here we are humans. There should be other lives that formed. And those lives maybe try to send us messages like ‘’Hello’’ or something like that in another language.
To conclude, I just want to finish with a meaningful sentence. ‘’Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying’’ – By Arthur C. Clarke.
All Alone / Not Alone At All
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