
Extraterrestrial refers to any object or being beyond (extra-) the planet Earth (terrestrial). It is derived from the Latin words extra (“outside”, “outwards”) and terrestris (“earthly”, “of or relating to the Earth”). Meanwhile Extraterrestial life refers to the existence of life outside of planet earth.

Extra terrestrial life has always been a topic and a theory since the dawn of civilization, some say the pyramids have been built by aliens, some say aliens have came to the world and have blessed us with their knowledge. However these are believed to be far from reality.

As our earth moves, evenly our universe moving the term ‘light-seconds/years’ have existed since the everlasting start of the universe, the idea of ‘aliens’ have been in both ways, welcomed and greatly opposed; Though, this would not affect the truth. As Sci-fi writer, the writer of Space Odyssey, Arthur C Clarke series says
“Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.”

As the fact that the light waves of some remote galaxies have not reached yet reached our system, it is always expected by a certain group that aliens have already contacted us, yet because of the vastness of our universe, the message has not reached us.

The thought of ‘aliens’ existing is both scary and comforting on both sides as Arthur Clarke claims. Many people believe in UFO’s and some even think that aliens are hiding among us, though this may be a small possibility

Even though some scientests are dissapointed on the disapproving rate of researches on alien life, some space agencies also believe that these are just the forefront for these researches as more will come.

The recent discovery of water in mars has also effected researchs and have increased the possibilities of alien life.

the possiblility of extra terrestial life has also affected the entertainment sector as also on the entertainment sector many films about extra terrestial life was made by hollywood on the 1960-2010 period.

In conclusion, despite the low possibilities of extraterrestial life existing in our galaxy, there is also always a possibility that it might also exist, and even they might have sent us a message

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