Every single day passing by, AI takes a more important part of our lives. Without any exceptions, everybody is affected by AI. It’s predicted for AI to replace jobs over the time, but is AI capable of replacing every single job? For example, can AI replace a job that requires feelings like poets, artists, musicians…
Lately, AI is able to write and sing a song, create rhythms for a song, draw pictures, write poems, etc.. Although not all products of AI is amazing, it’s still astonishing how the technology is improved just in a few years. If you were to tell anybody before 2010, nobody would believe in you. With that quick and sudden improvement, people wonder which jobs will be forgotten due to AI. Poetry is also one of the jobs.
Some people claim that as long as the poet makes sense, it doesn’t matter if it is written by a human or an AI. It’s also same with other jobs, if the drawing is pretty, then an AI also can be a perfect artist. They are less likely to notice the difference between AI and human. Also, they are less likely to be aware of the feelings of art.
On the other hand, there is also a group of people claiming that no matter how perfect grammar and vocabulary a poem has, there will still be an emptiness due to no feelings expressed by a human-being. They also claim that any art product produced by AI will be the literal same after a while. The originality and individuality of each art product will be gone.
In my opinion, AI will never replace jobs that require feelings. If I were the one to decide on, I would prefer seeing AI in fields more like education, medicine, etc. instead of art.