After The Universe

There isn’t a single one of you who hasn’t heard of the term “metaverse” recently. This concept, which many tech leaders, including Facebook, have begun to invest in, has recently gained a lot of popularity. So, in a nutshell, what is Metaverse?

To grasp the concept of the metaverse, we must first comprehend the term. The word “meta” comes from the Greek and means “after, beyond.” The term “metaverse” is formed from a combination of the words “meta” and “universe” in English, and it simply means “beyond the universe.”

What exactly is the metaverse?

So, what exactly does the phrase “metaverse” imply? In other words, Metaverse is the name given to a collective virtual shared space created by integrating all digital worlds or  fictional universe in which all digital worlds are located. . Many  believe that virtual  or augmented reality will be used to access the metaverse that will be built in the future.

The concept of the metaverse was first described in Neal Stephenson’s novel Snow Crash. Metaverse was a three-dimensional virtual world in the novel containing avatars of real people. Aside from that, metaverse-like virtual worlds have been mentioned in science fiction before, some even before Snow Crash.

Ready Player One, a novel that was adapted for the big screen in 2018, is the most recent example of this. People were able to spend time and engage in a virtual environment as they would in the actual world in this novel. The game Second Life is another example of something that might be compared to Metaverse. You can create your own avatar, connect with people, and perform activities you would do in real life digitally in this game, which is set in an internet-based virtual world. Metaverse is envisioned as a digital universe in the same vein.

Is the metaverse the internet’s future?

During the Covid-19 pandemic, virtual communication has become increasingly vital. In this context, Metaverse is projected to bring together a huge number of people and allow them to conduct their daily activities in a virtual setting. However, the lack of any rules governing the boundaries of metaverse technology may make users more vulnerable. According to Zuckerberg, the metaverse represents not only the next chapter of his firm, but also the internet’s future.

Metaverse will face problems such as removing VR headgear from playgrounds and reducing the size of virtual reality equipment. ”

Social media has promised a virtual environment that complements the real world and can make online social encounters really social from the start, yet it has often fallen short. This next-generation approach is projected to evolve from the internet, which serves as the fundamental powerhouse for managing metadata. Many scholars predict the metaverse will become a reality sooner than expected, owing to the increased adoption of virtual models as a common way of life throughout the pandemic.Some of the challenges for Metaverse will be removing VR headsets from playgrounds and minimizing the material size of virtual reality equipment.

Risks to be aware of

On the other hand, the metaverse’s transformations will bring with them social issues. Identity theft and fraud are inextricably linked to the change to online life. We are not totally adapted to virtual reality from a technological or social standpoint, despite the fact that we are accustomed to many activities such as shopping, entertainment, socializing, and working in digital settings. This condition could lead to a coup d’etat in the real world.


In this context, Facebook officials emphasized that metaverse technology will not be constructed by a single firm overnight, and that the project will be implemented in collaboration with policymakers, experts, and industry partners. They also state that they will invest $50 million in global research and program partners in order to ensure that these items are developed responsibly.

Personal, biometric, financial, and even emotional data is inextricably transformed into metaverse data, generating worries about security, privacy, and intellectual property. Personal information can also be duplicated, stolen, destroyed, or modified when avatars are utilized as a form of identity. Although biometric identification is a viable option, it is important to remember that identity fraud is always a threat, and the necessary safeguards should be implemented immediately.

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