After School Activity Report


The aim of this report, which is requested by the head teacher, is to show the opinions of newly opened activities. We, the students, have been planning to open three different after school activities.

Sports Club

This club welcomes anyone who is ready to move. Mostly recognized sports will take place in the club. Sports club would be refreshing and fun for the students. One third of the students said that this club would be motivating and energizing. However, other students had claimed that this club would be tiring and distract them from their academic goals. Also “Unknown sports should have been included” phrase was used several times.

Arts Club

Arts club’s goals are increasing creativity and exploring art. Student can start from different topics. One may start from anatomy or the other may start from perspective. This club requires a small amount of fee for every new starters for new art products. Second third of the students have sided for this club because they found it relaxing and an “escape from the daily life”.

Coding Club

Coding club achieves to teach everyone to use a computer for daily life, even for professional usages. Last  third of the students claim knowing how to use a computer is a necessity. This piece of knowledge will help in every part of their lives. However there are not as many computers as the number of the students who want to attend.


In a nutshell, for coding club, the school administration can buy new computers. For sports club, new and less-known spots can be added to the sports program and for the arts club, students can bring their own art supplies.

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