I love reading books very much. I’m not modest about this at all and I’m very good at it. When I was little, I always participated in reading contests, writing and imagination contests. I would fall in of the top three in all of them. I would take a book from the library every day, read that book and bring it back the next day. Even if the book was 990 pages, I could still finish it in one day. So, there is no one better than me when it comes to reading books. One day, when I went to the library again and was looking for a book, I saw a book with a very beautiful but different cover and the name “The First Place Where the Sparrow Landed”. I decided to buy it. The book was thick. It was 344 pages. As soon as I got home, I started reading immediately. It was a good book, it had a life lesson related to its name. When I got to page 120 of the book, I saw a handwritten mobile phone number. Even though I was curious about that number, I didn’t call because I didn’t want to take any risks. The next day, when I came to the library to drop off the book, I think a man was looking for that book because that’s where I bought it. He probably gave his own book to the worker by mistake, and the book he took from the library was still at home. I thought to myself, why doesn’t he report it to the worker? I was very curious. I went back home and dialed that number on my phone. A woman opened it. His voice was very soothing and gave people peace. I explained the events, but it seemed like that woman was very close to me. I could hear my voice echoing into her phone. I was living alone at home. When I hung up the phone, I heard footsteps. Out of fear, I immediately called my friend downstairs home. I knew I wasn’t alone, but it was still necessary for someone I knew to be with me. Moreover, it was scary to know that you were not alone in your house where you lived alone with a stranger. My friend came home. We were both shaking. Then the doorbell rang. I looked through the hole and saw a normal, calm woman. I opened the door fearlessly. The woman said, “Somehow my dog got into your house. I know you didn’t steal my dog, but was your door open? Don’t make this mistake again. “It’s very dangerous out there,” he said, and then his dog came. I was going to make a statement, but I couldn’t speak. I felt like a newborn baby. The dog looked terrifying. The woman’s voice was the same as the voice on the phone. So I gave him the paper and the book. A smile appeared on his face. ”Thank you,” She said. I said, ‘I gave you this, now you need to explain to me what is happening.”. The woman started to explain. It turns out that the woman’s son becomes a psychopath when he loses something. The voices coming from behind the phone were his voice. So we were afraid for nothing. My friend got angry at me and went home, but it was a very exciting day.

Bennu Uçar 6/C

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