Achievements and Community

Success is something we all wish for. Some may be working hard to achieve it; some might just wait for it. No matter our actions, everyone wants to be successful in particular areas; such as sports, arts and academical success. The thing that has been a topic open for discussion has been: Does people achieve success by themselves, or mostly because of their environment?

I believe that both sides should be mentioned when we are talking about success, but there is of course a side which is more important. In my opinion, when a person desires something and works hard to achieve it, nothing can stop them and they will get what they want eventually. But the effects of the environment are a factor that fastens the process of the achievement. For instance, think of a person who has everything they want and they are fully able to provide the necessary things they will need throughout their journey. They start the process one step forward than a person who can’t have access to what they need. Bu this is only one factor because even if you have a supporting environment, you may be lacking self-motivation, which is the most important factor to consider. No outside motivation will be as efficient as the self-motivation you have inside. You may have a lot of money, you may have a lot of people supporting you, you may have access to social media; but these are just temporary if you don’t have self-motivation. A voice deep inside your heart will always tell you to do the opposite. And at last, that voice will be the winner, not the opportunities you had at the beginning. And no one’s going to save you if you don’t save yourself. We have heard a lot about the shepherd who became the 1st in the university exams. I think this is a perfect example of how important believing in yourself is. Even though it was undeniable that the situation was not very appropriate, they reached their goals.

Basically, my thought on this topic is the self-motivation being the most important factor of all.

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