About Biodiversity

Biodiversity is a term in biology which means the variety of living organisms in the world or in a particular habitat. Countries have been working recently about stopping the loss of biodiversity. A high level of biodiversity is important because biodiversity affects the processes of all living things on Earth, including humans.

As is said, it before there are some projects about biodiversity which have been being done by countries. For example, in Canada they protect grasslands, and this situation became a “grasslands buzzing with life” expression. In Zambia, people are informed about the importance of biodiversity, so they green the farms across Zambia. In Scotland, people flourish urban parks which are the parks located in the middle of the city center. In Belize, people protect the coral reefs which has great importance for fish and other sea animals to live, so the “hope springs for coral reefs” expression can be said about this. Moreover, peat lands are regenerated by people in Borneo.



Besides, more things can be done by protecting the biodiversity. As is known, zoos contain lots of animal including endangered species. So, zoos can protect these species and take care of them under favorable conditions for their survival. Furthermore, uncontrolled hunting also poses a great danger to animals. Uncontrolled hunting causes a big decrease in the number of hunted animals. As is mentioned before, animals should live under favorable conditions. So, people should protect their natural environments and habitats. People should not cut trees and pollute anywhere. In addition, schools play an important role in raising awareness about the loss of biodiversity. Schools can teach students the importance of biodiversity and what will happen if the biodiversity decrease with giving presentations and mentioning in the  lessons. As technology advances, it is obvious that social media has a major influence in people’s lives. As a result of this, people can use social media effectively for giving an idea and informing them about biodiversity.


It should not be forgotten that there are a lot of endangered species all around the world. The total number of lynxes in the world is fewer than 50,000. The total number of red pandas in the world is fewer than 10,000. And some people can’t believe it, nevertheless there are fewer than only 2,000 pandas are left. Luckily, some very successful projects were done for pandas to prevent this extinction.



In conclusion, for preventing the loss of biodiversity there are some projects underway. That’s good because the loss of biodiversity cause disturbing the balance in nature and negatively affect the ecosystem. It should also be taken into account that, nature is very important for every living organisms and more and more species are threatened with extinction.

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