A Victory

Today is October 29, the day that we met something called freedom. This year we are celebrating our 100th anniversary. The great leader Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and our people gave an endeavor for this country’s independence. After the wars fought by our country, all world states accepted that we were an independent state and our country regained its sovereignty. Last year I’ve had a memory that touched me deeply.

Last year our school decided to celebrate this day with something special. So we decided to make a theater play around the students. First we made an announcement about our play but there was not much interest. Anyways, we moved with the ones that really wanted to participate. We worked for hours day by day. One time, some of our teachers said that this organization is not very eye-catching. Their words made us really ambitious and we made a lot more effort. We divided the work in our group and thought we could move things faster.

By the time our work started, we have made a great progress. We prepared really good to our play and suddenly the day arrived. But that day was very rainy and windy. The weather was so bad that some of us arrived late. Anyways we took our last rehearsal and prepared the stage. The audience started to came but there were fewer spectators in the hall than we expected. We were a little bit disappointed but we did not lose our hope.

When our show started; the light, our acting, audience’s attitude everything was going well. But suddenly when we were singing one of our songs, the electricity has gone off. Everyone was shocked and we were too but we did not give up. We moved on singing and the audience joined us too. And they turned on the flashlights of their phones pointing at us. We acted in lack of light but this did not bothered anyone at this point.

End of the play, our headmaster came to the stage and said that the theatre was really good but despite all the efforts we made and the difficulties we encountered, we did not collapse and eventually achieved success was the thing that mattered. Just like many years ago…

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