A Very Bad (?) Day

Like every day I was walking on my favorite path of my home around seven o’clock in the afternoon. That path always had me walking two hundred meters to reach my destination, my home. I define my home as my destination because I work in a mining company –my dream job- which is forty-five kilometers between my home and my office. It is a real pain to live so far but this was the only choice that I had to do my dream job.

I digressed. As I was saying I was walking and tired. I had just got out of a bus ride of more than forty minutes and thirty kilometers. Even though I had slept on the bus, I was drowning in tiredness.  With a haggard face, I was walking very slowly aiming to admire the path that I really like. The path was on a river, mixed with color blue and a little bit of green and yellow. Leaning on the railings placed randomly was my other favorite thing to do. Unfortunately, I was in a really bad mood. I got fired from my job, didn’t have enough money to get in the bus, and forgot to bring my lunch. I was suffering from hunger, tiredness, and desperation. Such an avernal day! I guess I was slightly sick, everything was becoming more and more blurry with every step I took. After two more minutes of walking –more of limping- I had to get support from a parapet because I was going to throw up. I was just three steps away from the railing and everything got crimson.

In the crimson sky, I could see two human-like silhouettes. One was dark and the other one was in lighter colors. They were picking on each other about who would punch more in a day. They sped up until they were just above me. I felt a pain after they passed me. I was so scared that I screamed in agony and fear even after they passed and kept walking away like nothing happened.

Suddenly, I opened my eyes in shock. I had been lying on the bridge for a couple of hours.  I could see some puke. There were no traces of those two men I saw before. But the weirdest thing was the sky was in a shade of baby blue more than ever.

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