A Report of Out-of-School Activity Opportunities in Our School


The purpose of this report is to highlight the opinions of interviewed students, parents, and teachers and evaluate the out-of-school activity opportunities, their appealing sides, and drawbacks. Interviewees’ views on three of the five out-of-school activities are included.

Sports Club

Some of the activities offered by a sports club are football, basketball, volleyball, swimming, etc. These activities provide the attendees with physical fitness, encourage teamwork, and improve mental and physical health. Students mostly expressed their enthusiasm about the fun and activities of playing sports. Teachers suggested that increased physical activity would result in increased concentration and discipline in lessons. However, some of the interviewees stated they weren’t interested in playing sports or that they had a physical disability to attend.

Art Workshop

This workshop encourages students to develop and use artistic and creative skills and activities more often and freely. Some examples of these activities are drawing, painting, sculpting, and needlework. Interviewed teachers and parents suggest that art provides students with an opportunity for self-expression and gives them a boost in confidence. Although some of the students stated their enthusiasm, most of the students were hesitant because they didn’t think they had artistic talents.

Outdoor Adventure Program

An outdoor adventure program aims to encourage survival in natural environments, team and individual work, physical activity, and problem-solving skills. These activities might be hiking, jogging, camping, mountain cycling, and rock climbing. Moreover, most of the students stated their excitement about natural life and outdoor activities. Teachers agreed that these activities might build more resilience in the student if it is set in the right conditions of safety. On the other hand, the majority of the parents stated they were worried about letting their children take part in risky activities. Furthermore, these activities might require attendees to have special equipment ready which might be pricier than intended.



In conclusion, I would suggest that opening a sports club might be the best out-of-school activity to start. It includes a far broader range of students than the other activities and it appeals to the majority of the students, parents, and teachers. It would also be far less expensive to implement and would boost both social and physical strength.Why Everyone Should Join Their Local Fun Sports Clubs

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