A Normal Evening For Me

I wanted to walk on the beach after work. As the wind gently caressed my face, I was filled with peace. As I bent down to pick up a stone from the ground to bounce it on the sea, a sudden disgust for everything related to life appeared in me and I saw something in the sea. At first I couldn’t understand exactly what that thing was. But then, when I focused more, I realized that it was a hand. As soon as I realized what that thing was, I went into the sea without thinking. The hand I saw was already close to the shore. I was able to get close enough to hold the hand before the water reached my waist. When I looked at the owner of the hand, the only thing I saw was a young woman’s corpse, completely white and even beginning to rot a little. I dragged the body and laid it on the sand, took out my phone, called the police and then my coworker. While I was waiting for them to arrive, I took a napkin and began to examine the body, being careful not to touch it with my bare hands. When I went through the corpse’s jacket pocket, I found an ID card. I read the name:

Charlotte McCaffrey

7 November 1995

Great, I was able to identify the body.

Soon the police arrived. They were suspicious of me because I was so calm while talking on the phone. But when I told them I was a homicide detective and showed them my police ID, they let me go. Considering my my brief investigation, it was a case of murder. When my coworker James came over, I told him I wanted to take this case. After examining the body a bit, he agreed to let us take the case. Forensic experts who came to the scene found that the body had been killed approximately 2 days ago. The woman was killed with two stab wounds to her back. It seemed like it would be a difficult case, there was ne proper evidence or suspect. But as always, I was determined to find the murderer and bring justice.


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