A New Century

Fire is a rapid combustion process that produces high temperatures and flames. In our time, fire is used for various purposes such as cooking, heating food, or manufacturing items. What if fire had been discovered 300 years earlier? In my opinion, the world would be a worse place for biodiversity. Ecosystems would suffer. People might inadvertently start fires while searching for one another. Overhunting could lead to the extinction of animals. In short, biodiversity would decrease, potentially hastening the decline of the world.

On the other hand, fire signifies civilization. Thanks to fire, we can accomplish tasks faster and more efficiently. In our time, we could have better technology, such as advancements in space exploration like reaching Mars, and developments in artificial intelligence and virtual reality. This implies that fire is a resource that should always be available. However, if we utilize it effectively, it could play a significant role in shaping our future technology.


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