A Mysterious Treasure Hunt

Once upon a time there was a girl named “Elif”. Elif loves treasure hunts, mystery cases and solving the problems.

One day, she went out with her friends to play outside. The sun was shining and it was so hot. She wanted to solve some problems. Suddenly her friend saw a paper on the floor. She went to put it in the bin. But when she went near the paper she saw that this is not a paper, it is a treasure map! She quickly ran to her friends and said:

“look, look! I found a treasure map!”

Everyone was very excited and ran to her. Elif was very glad to see that treasure map. She loves treasure hunts!

“let’s follow this treasure map!” she said.

Everyone said, “yes!!” Elif and her friends went their home for a second and when they came outside everyone was wearing a pirate costume! “It will be so fun!” sad Jane. “yes, I wonder about the treasure that we will find!” said Miray.

After it, Elif took the treasure map and they started to follow the treasure map. They walked and walked. They climbed to the trees, they searched on the internet, they looked into some houses, they ran away from the dogs… suddenly, when they finished following, they saw a big cross on the ground. They were surprised. They don’t think that they will find a real treasure! They were too excited. They dug the cross and really they found a treasure box. No, sorry two treasure boxes. They were too excited. They tried to open the first one. They couldn’t. Then they tried to open the second one.   They found again a treasure map in the box!

They were so surprised! Then they understood that firstly they have to find the key for the real treasure box. They started to follow the second treasure map. They walked, and walked. They climbed to the mountains, they searched their bag, they looked near the parks, they ran away from the cats…

Then they found the treasure box.

They opened the treasure box and took the key in the treasure box. And they again started to follow the second treasure map. They walked and walked. They looked around, they got wet under the rain, they froze in the snow, they melted in the deserts and they were back where they began. But when they arrived there the treasure box was not there. And there was a note:

Sorry but it’s mine and thanks for finding my important treasure box but if you want to found too much it you can follow this treasure map.

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