A mystery for eternity

                                                             A mystery for eternity

       The lights when off and there was complete darkness and silence.I was home alone at that time and we just moved here with my family.I tried to search for candles but it was impossible to find because all of our staff was in boxes and there were thousands of them.Than I remembered about my phone but I couldn’t find it.

       In complete darkness I started searching for my phone, it was impossible.Also our home didn’t have any furniture, so  that’s why my family went to buy furniture and I was suppose to unpack some blankets for us to be comfortable  while sleeping at night.But then the lights turn down.And I couldn’t even start.After a couple minutes I gave up because I couldn’t even move to another room, I kept hitting some boxes and even a wall a couple of times so I just gave up.I sat on floor and I heard one noise…My heart stopped for a second,I was so scared.It felt like I was paralysed.Then I finally understood that I really need to find candles.I knew that smothering is wrong with this house, I felt like it when I first stepped in.So first I needed find boxes.After some hitting the walls and I even tripped on something I find one box, immediately I started  to unpack it.I couldn’t find anything in the first one and the second one and the third and I’ve sorted through so many boxes that I’ve lost count.Then I have finally find something but it wasn’t candles it was blankets, it was super cold here so at-least they would keep me warm I thought then I kept going.It was a slow process because it was dark and I couldn’t see anything so I understanding what is it by touching it.A couple ours past and finally all the boxes in the room were I was finished but I could find just blankets and pillows,but my goal was to find candles so I needed to find another boxes.I started slowly walking to another room while I was doing that I heard a noise again I screamed.I was so scared that I suits ran to a random room and close the door.Firstly I tried to look everywhere so I would be sure that I won’t be in the same room with some creature.I couldn’t find here anybody so I saw boxes and started searching for candles again.And after first box I find one and an lighter that was a jackpot.I immediately light it up.And sweet outside the room.It looked so scary.Then I heard another noise and I ran to the room where I heard it.And because of the wind that was caused by my running blew out my candle and then whatever happened ,it happened when the wind blew out the candle…

          I saw a kitten that was stucked under two boxes.She was so tiny.At first I was shocked because of the fact that how couldn’t I recognise that noise but then I noticed that she couldn’t speak because she was just a newborn and stuck under two boxes.She must be so exhausted because of this situation.Then I helped the kitten then she finally made a noise.And after that noise all the lights came in and I saw an really strange but also cute view there were 15-20 cats there.I was shocked.And there I saw my phone.and opened boxes that no one could open except me but I know that I didn’t it was so strange.Than I heard that my family came I quickly ran towards them and told them about what happened, they were in shock to and the strangest thing is where the cats came from.It was a mystery for me and my family.We find it really strange and creepy so we decided to move out but we didn’t know that it will happen again and again…

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