Last summer me and my friends decided to go to forest. I was so excited about it that I couldn’t sleep well. Next day my friend’s mom picked me up at afternoon. We were so happy that everyone were felt it. When we went there, we started to unpack quickly. We pitched the tent and put our food. Then, we felt hungry but the food was so cold. My friend said: “You should get some sticks, Ela”. I accepted it and went on a walk to find sticks. After some time, I wanted to go to camping place but I was totally lost. At first, I panicked but then a rabbit appeared. I was too terrfied because rabbit could talk! It told me that I could go to its place . At first, I hesitated but the I accepted it. It gave me some tea, I was warm enough.After that, it said to me: “I offer you that I can leave you to your place. I didn’t hesitate and said yes. He gave me a map and came with me. A few minutes later, I was at the camping place. When my friend saw me she ran towards me and hugged me. She said: “Where have you been? How did you come here in the dark?!” I just wanted to say that it was rabbit’s idea but the rabbit had already jumped and ran away…

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