A Mysterious Birthday Gift

It was my birthday, and I eagerly waited for my mom to give me the gift she’d bought. Finally, she revealed the present—a book. Although initially disappointed, I realized it was a book I had been wanting to read, so I didn’t let my disappointment linger. I dove into the book right away.

However, as I reached page 120, I stumbled upon a handwritten phone number, which surprised me. Assuming it was a prank by my mom, I jokingly showed her the book, saying, “Mom, your joke was great.” To my surprise, she had no idea what I was talking about.

Confused, I asked her why there was a phone number in the book if it wasn’t her doing. She explained, “I bought it second-hand, so perhaps the previous owner left that note. I can ask them if you want.”

Grateful for her offer, I agreed. The next day, she confirmed my suspicion. The previous owner had received an important call while reading the book and hastily scribbled the number in its pages as they had no paper at hand.

Relieved to have an explanation, I continued reading the book peacefully, glad that the mystery was solved.

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