A Month Without the Biggest Part of Our Lives

Nowadays technology is one of the biggest parts of our lives and nearly everybody is addicted to it or they will be addicted in a few years. As usual, I’m a tech-addicted person, too. We literally can’t even live without it, could we? Of course, your answer would be definitely ”no”, right? But it isn’t a thing that we cannot overcome. Last month I’ve done something really challenging, I made a technology detox for my technology addiction and I will write all of my experiences in this article.

As I said, last month I made a technology detox. The day that I had just started doing the detox was like a horror movie for me, I mean it was terrible. But especially there were some problems, technology was everywhere, we set alarms every day, we are doing some researches that are important for our school life, we are using elevators and much more I will explain all the problems that I’ve faced and the solutions that I’ve found. Because I’m doing detailed and a strong technology detox, I even considered such small things like elevator. First problem that I’ve faced was of course the alarm problem because I’m doing a strong detox, I haven’t bought a digital alarm instead I bought an analogy alarm that isn’t working with any electricity with this the first problem was already solved. I was at the 14’th day my English teacher Mr. Y gave us a research homework. At first, I taught that I couldn’t be able to do it without any technological devices but a smart idea just popped in my mind “books”. Before the technology, people used to read books for researches, as a result I’ve completed my homework successfully with just the help of books. One another problem I’ve faced was using the elevator, instead of it I used the stairs for one month as a result of that I improved my muscles, I got stronger. Last problem was playing online games; first few days it was really hard getting used to it but past days I easily got used to it by reading books and doing sports more often. It’s known by everybody that 21 days is enough to change a bad habit. It just happened like that. In the day 21 of my detox all of my desire for technology was gone and I successfully survived the past days of my detox. After my detox when I first get my phone in my hands, I can easily say that I haven’t missed it, I just throwed that idiot box to my bed. Yes, my addiction is over, my life is better in this way.

To summarize, it was a great journey for my life, my brain was all cleaned up. Thanks for my technology detox that I’m focusing things better and I recommend this brilliant experience for every single person who are living in this world.

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