A Look Into the Future

People always wonder what the future will turn out and how events are going to unravel as they go on. At the current state of how things are going i think that i have a somewhat clear idea of how the future may go, so let’s assume that we are looking through a magical(or a super high tech) bay window that lets us take a look into it, obviously without being unable to change anything in it.


First of all, I am pretty sure most people agree that the environment is not in a good state and with the people in charge, the future for it is not looking bright at all. According to our bay window it seems to be more or less the case. With the excessive fuel and energy usage people lost all sense of environmental responsibility and the number of people blinded to the issue heavily outweighed the number of people who cared and tried making their voices heard about the situation.

Though, even with most of the world’s greenery gone; science had advanced so much that we could produce oxygen molecules from other elements using atom fusion, making the earth still habitable for the foreseeable future. Well, habitable in the sense of survivable but definitely not “liveable”, the surface looks dark and desolate and most people have gone to live in artificial underground cities with fake greenery and even fake human made air.

As for the animals, most of the animals we consider “endangered” are long gone by now, the ones we had for granted are still around albeit in way less numbers. At least after being able to produce plant based meat, conservation of animals has become more of a possibility and th

ey are still in the process of repopulating, this seems to be pretty much the only thing the future has going for it.

With the people, most of them seem to act like everything is fine, but it looks like everyone is a bit “lost”. After the usage of AI (Artificial Intelligence) a lot of things people like doing, such as drawing, writing and even working, became automated leaving people with not much to do in terms of enjoying themselves. It’s rare to find a job that has not been automated yet so most people are unemployed, but in this day and age it has become the norm to be unemployed. Those people can still live a full life without going into economic problems but the lack of purpose has seemed to take a big toll on everyone in general.

To round things out, the future does not look promising and it isn’t anybody’s fault but us as humans and with the way things are going, all of this is inevitable.

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