A Lonely Night At Forest

A year ago we went to camping with my friends.Actually we didn’t have such an idea in our minds but while one of my friends was talking about a memory of camping she asked “Why don’t we go camping and create beautufil and unforgetable memories?”With that excitement we I just said that “Alright guys get ready because we are going camping tommorow!”We all were really happy and the next morning we just met up and went to the camping area.

The camping area was in a forest but the view which was so beatiful influenced us. While the sun was whispering about us through the green leaves, we were relaxing with the chirping of the birds.Firstly we set up our tents and then we went to trekking with my friends.We discovered the forest and we got fresh air.While we were walking around the forest one of my friend wrenched her wrist while she was trying to tie her shoes.With a little shout we turned and saw that she was trying to stand straight.We just saw it and helpped her to walk till we went to tent.When we came to the tent we just sat her down and put some cream to make her pain slow down and to relax her.She said that “Continue without me” actually the weather was avaliable to continue the walking but ofcourse we didn’t let her sit down lonely at the forest.We just sat and had a little chat.

After a hour it got dark and we started to get cold.My friend told me to go and get some firewood.I just said okey and went to look for it.I just walked walked and walked and found some wood.Aftera while I thought that these are enough to make a fire and turned my back.I just started walking but I was walking slowly because I was feeling that something is going wrong.I walked for a while more and than I just understood that I was lost.I started to be sacerd because I erad some dogs which were howling.There was just the moonlight to see my around.I didn’t know where was I am and how many hours I was walking and looking for firewood.I juat accepted that I can not find the way so I just slept under a tree.When I woke up the sun was shinning and I heard some voices which were calling my name.I started to shout “I am here!”and we found eachother with my friends.I jsut hugged them all and said that “I will never ever g oto collect something by myself.”



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