A Future Where Your Thoughts Turn Into Writing

        Nowadays, scientists are trying to develop a new machine that can interpret your thoughts into speech. It’s a big step for those who are trying to develop the modern world. That can be good thing for the people. But are there any good or bad effects that this machine causes?


       This machine can be very helpful for those who have a problem with speaking so they don’t need to express them. Also it will help charities very much which help people that have a problem with talking. This machine can easily turn thoughts into speech. İt can also help those who have a problem with social life. It’s a big step for science because it will also science about some problems.They can be difficult when they are speaking but when they use this machine this problem is also gonna disappear. This machine also can do some jobs more easily like for the artist, actors, directors etc. so this machine is gonna save time for us and all of us now time is very important. We can create our thoughts into speech and this is a crazy thing for us.


        There are also various consequences of using a machine. First, it can affect our social life. We don’t need to talk to each other as much as we used to, and it can cause a huge problem. Secondly, this machine can cause health problems when you don’t use your mouth it will cause a problem for you. Also it can hurt your brain because probably this machine is gonna scatter radiation. This can cause big problems for your brain like Alzheimer etc.

        Finally, This machine is gonna be useless because of these side effects because it will cause a lot of damage to the people. So when you want to just turn your thoughts to speeches you can lose your thinking ability. Be Careful when you use this machine.


        In my opinion with this machine you can do a lot of things whatever you want. On the other hand this machine looks very dangerous so it’s a very useful machine but you can’t use it for a long time.

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