Once in my life, I would really love to visit a beautiful forest filled with Crape Myrlte and HoneyLocust trees, lots of flowers, and with a hidden waterfall. I’ve never swam under a breezing waterfall before, so I think it would be a nice experience.
If I would be able to spend a day there, first of all I would lay a picnic cloth on the grass and have breakfast among the trees. I would bring tea with me with a vacuum flask to drink tea all day. After breakfast, I would rest against a tree and read a book, maybe if I’d bring my tools, I would paint the view of the waterfall.
At noon, I would wear my swimsuit and swim under the waterfall. I like cold water, so I think it would be refreshing. If I get bored in water, I would get out and rest a little under the sun.
I would eat packed food I bring with me when I get hungry, and before I leave when the sun slowly starts to set, I would pick some flowers that I like to bring home with me.
Spending a day like this would be a dream come true, a perfect escape into nature’s beauty. I hope one day I get to experience it for real.