I woke up to an ordinary day, or just a day that i thought was ordinary. I got up from my bed and started walking towards the bathroom. Normally when i wake up in the morning, i would feel fed up because I had to go to work really early. But that day, something was different. I didn’t feel anything.
I looked at the mirror without feeling anything. I washed my face and dressed up really quick. By the time I left the home, the clock was showing 7.30. I was going to be late but I didn’t care. I drove to the coffee shop I always go to and waited in the line. While waiting, i observed everyone there. It wasn’t just me. Nobody was feeling anything. I ordered my usual and started heading to the office. When i arrived, clock was showing 8.15. I was late. I waited for my boss to come and scold me. Nobody came. I went to look at my boss’s office. He was pressing keys on the keyboard with a robotic expression on his face.
I headed to my desk. My best friend arrived before me and we didn’t even say good morning to each other. My coworkers, whom I normally hate, were sitting at the other table, but today neither I looked at them with hate nor they did.
During lunch, I sat next to my colleagues. Nobody was talking. They all had robotic expressions on their faces. The good conversations and jokes of the past have now been replaced by these dull facial expressions. I couldn’t feel sad for some reason I don’t know.
On my way home in the evening, I remembered that my family invited me to dinner today. I started driving towards their house. When i arrived, my sister opened the door for me with no emotions. I went in and sat at the table. My mother put some plates in front of me and sat down. Everybody was eating their food quietly. I looked at the picture across the table. There was a family photo of us in the picture and suddenly the old days came to my mind. My sister used to be so happy when I came for dinner. She would always open the door with a smile on her face. My mom and dad would hug me and tell me how much they missed me. I wanted to cry but I couldn’t. The dinner had finished and it was time to go home.I got up from the table and headed for the door. No one even said goodbye to me.
When I finally got home, for the first time I didn’t feel tired, I didn’t feel sad because i was going to wake up early in the mornig. For the first time I fell asleep with nothing on my mind..