A Chance of Escaping

        Every morning he passed the same way to school, but this morning was different. A bright, golden door appeared out of nowhere in front of his eyes, inviting him to another world.


Maybe this was a sign. A sign to leave everything behind… a sign to escape the unnatural monotony of this world… to start a new journey on a fresh page. He always feared being stuck in a loop he couldn’t escape. And with his poor academic performance over the last couple of years, his fear was becoming a reality. So he thought he had another chance—a chance to escape his fear forever. He went in. And to his surprise, this world was nothing like Earth. As he took another step, the door suddenly shut, and the weather immediately darkened. Then he started seeing things. Things he feared the most. He immediately shut his eyes to avoid seeing anything. But after a while, he realized that running from his fears was pointless. He could run all his life, but then he would have wasted his life running away from fear. Then would he have truly lived? He decided not to run away, but instead to face them. As he endured the brunt of his fears, the weather started to brighten, and the door opened. He got out and went to school as if nothing had happened.

He may not have started a new life. He may not have opened a blank canvas to start over. But he learned the tool to create a new canvas.


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