A Century Of Freedom

The day was finally here, Turkey’s 100th year of freedom, the republic’s first century. I could feel the excitement flowing through my veins. This was not just a celebration of the proclamation of the republic,  this was also the commemoration day for the soldiers who sacrificed themselves in the name of their country. While I was drowning in my thoughts about the importance of this day, I stepped out of my house to watch the celebrations at the city center. While I was on my way, I couldn’t stop myself from thinking about how we owe our lives to the heroic soldiers whose blood was boiling with the love of their country that they didn’t even hesitate to die for it. I was always grateful for them but the fact that today was the 100th day of the republic and the aim that they died for has taken place made me emotional. I realized that my mood was changing to sad so I quickly changed the subject in my head to something positive, like my country overcoming every obstacle and still being ruled by a republic after a hundred years. And there I was in the city center watching the celebrations for this special day.

Celebrations started with the classic national anthem and a moment of silence. After that some poems were read and songs were sung. The celebrations ended with a modern dance and there was a gallery full of art pieces made by high schoolers for people who were interested. Everything was modern and just like how Mustafa Kemal Ataturk would want it. I was once again proud of my country and my people for following Mustafa Kemal Ataturk’s footsteps.

On my way home, I watched kids playing happily with their friends, teenagers chit-chatting with each other, and adults watching their children. The more I thought the more I realized how if there was no republic we wouldn’t be able to live how we are living right now and how much we owe to Mustafa Kemal Ataturk and his army. I couldn’t be more proud of my nation.

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