My family loves to go camping every summer because being with nature makes

it so easy to get rid of all our stress.


When I talked to my family about going camping, they said we would go to a

different place this time, and I was very excited about it. A few days later, my

family and I started preparations for the camp. As always, my father and I had

finished preparing our own belongings early and started loading them into the car.

Just on the day we set off, my mom and dad wanted to visit my grandparents because


we hadn’t seen them for a long time and they missed us so much that they wanted us to

stop by them before we went to camp.I was sorry that we wouldn’t be going to the camp

at first, but it would be nice to see my grandparents because it had been almost two

years since I last saw them.When we set out the next day, I was very excited because

I was going to camp in a place where I had not camped before, as well as my grandmother,

whom I had not seen for a long time. We played many games in order not to get bored on

the way, and I must have not noticed how the time passed because we arrived at my

grandmother’s before I played all the games I knew.After arriving at my grandmother’s,


my grandmother must have missed me and my brother very much, as she showed great interest

to us during the two days we stayed there. When it was time to go, my grandmother bid us

farewell by telling us that she had something to give us and that we should stop by her

after the camp. At the end of a long journey, we arrived at the place where we were going

to camp, and let’s see what my parents brought us to a place where we could camp for other

people. After we set up the tents, my brother and I went to the children to make friends

and we did many activities at the camp with many friends. For example, we all fished, lit

a fire, walked in the forest together … After a long and fun camp, we went to my

grandmother’s to find out what my grandmother wanted to give us. My grandmother gave us

tickets to the amusement park for four people and wanted us to have as much fun as we

could there. At the amusement park, I found a container machine I had seen before and

always wanted to ride.


When we got home, I thought of my vacation and said, “It was sheer, superlative thrill.”

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