It was Monday. The day that school starts. He hated that day because he had to get up early. He yawned and got up. His dad was calling him downstairs “Sam! Are you awake? You will miss the bus again” Sam took a deep breath. “Dad, I’m coming just wait a second!” He went downstairs quickly. When he looked for his brother Tom, his old brother, he couldn’t see him. “Tom! Aren’t you awake yet? I’m waiting for you.” he said. After that he heard footsteps coming from upstairs. It was Tom. “Hello little brother it’s good to see you again.” Sam looked at him. “Tom, I will probably miss the bus so can you take me to school today?” Tom looked at him angrily “Oh Sam again! How long will this last? I took you yesterday too.” “I’m sorry, I just couldn’t wake up on time…” said Sam. Tom grinned “Oh, then If you don’t want this to happen again then you should set an alarm!” “Ok, ok I will…,” said Sam. He took his phone and got in Tom’s car. When they went to school, Sam’s teacher was waiting for him at the front door. Sam walked towards her. “Good morning, Samuel. I don’t get surprised again!” teacher said. Sam apologised to her and went to his classroom. Mr. Green was waiting for him too. “Oh, Sam, that’s the first time you came to the class 1 minute before the lesson ends. We have to celebrate this!” Sam rolled his eyes and put his bag on his desk. The next lesson was history and he didn’t do his homework again because yesterday he was busy to finish the last chapter of a computer game. He played the game until its 12 pm! He didn’t realize how time passed.
At the end of the school, he went to one of his friend’s houses. They played online games together for hours. When he finally came home, he realized that he had an important project to do. Its due date was tomorrow. He rolled his eyes again “Who cares? I will do it tomorrow.” Suddenly he heard a noise came from his desk. He turned his head to the noise but he didn’t see something unnormal. The noise had come again. It was coming from the desk, like before. He walked towards the desk. After that, he saw something on his desk. He looked at closely. It was a clock. “Huh, is that a joke? “Before he could finish the sentence the clock started to ring. “Zrrrr, zrrrr!” Sam shouted “Oh come on Tom! I know it is you. WHAT A GREAT JOKE.” But suddenly the clock stopped to ring. It started to move. Sam shouted in fear. The clock was slowly coming to him. He looked at shocked. Then the clock started to talk! “Hello Sammy. How’s it going? I think it’s bad because if it was good then I would’ t be in there. Am I right?” Sam screamed and hit the clock. “Oh boy, calm down! I’m here to help you.” said the clock. Sam looked at it angrily “I don’t need any help! Who are you? WHAT ARE YOU!” Clock took a deep breath. “My name is Time but they called me Timmy. You can call me Timmy too but I prefer my real name.” “I don’t want to learn your name you monster! Just leave me alone and go to your trash bin.” The clock looked at him sadly “Let me ask you two questions. After that, I will go, I promise.” Sam shook his head. “Just ask it “TİMMY”!” Time grinned “Ok Sam, here are my questions. How long do you play online games in a day and do you manage your time well?” Sam laughed at him “Do you really want to learn this? Ok Timmy, do you want to hear the truth? I play at least “7 hours” a day and I hate managing my time! I don’t care anything except my computer and my brother! Did my answer make you happy?” Clock grinned again “Of course dear Sam. Of course…” Everywhere around started to spin. Sam started screaming because he was falling in a dark, big, deep hole… And everything stopped. The last thing he saw was the clock. It was smiling at him “Don’t forget that sentence Sammy, “He who cannot manage his time will eventually be managed by time.” said Timmy. “You are mine now. Don’t worry, I will teach you how to manage your time!”