A Bizarre Dream

    Hey, Jonathan How It is going?I hope you are okay.I am here writing this because I had a bizzare dream.In the dream I were in a beach at night with my friends.I don’t know why we were there or what we were doing there. 

    One of my friends said “Hey Sebastian,let’s go diving.”.I accepted the offer and we go diving.We equipped our equipments and went sailing.It is normally extremely dangerous to diving in late night but usually my dreams don’t have any logic.While we were sailing my friend told me to stop because he saws something ‘’Shiny”.I stopped and me and my friend started diving and searching for something “Shiny”.We searched for hours but couldn’t find anything.When we were done searching I catch a not shiny object I dive deeper and took it.When we came back to beach I figured out that was a lamp I show it to my friend and we both laughed because It was so silly that I found a lamp that looks like Aladdin’s lamp.My friend said I have to rub it so I did.I rubbed the lamp nothing happened.My friend and chatted a little bit and he left.”Hey are you going to sit there and watch the sun for the whole time?”Who was talking?I turn my head and saw a blue buffed man with no legs but a beard and ponytail hair.Like Why my dreams are so weird?He said”Wish me anything you want.”.I said “I wish to have more wishes.” he replied with “Hey,can I ask you something?Why are all the humans asking for more wishes,like Why?”I said “We are just smart”.He said the thing again and I said “I want to become the god.”and he replied he can’t do that so I said I wish to become the strongest creature he can give me and so he did.I can fly ,I can run with infinite speed but most importanly if I wish for something it becomes real.I wished for everything I could possibly imagine like make winter to we can play with snowballs,make it summer because I bored of winter,make it that icecream rain from clouds.I did it for like five minutes and I flied to the space and searching for other worlds and  suddenly my dream ended because my cat bite my hand. 

    It was good but I feel so weird that I wanted to share this with you.That is all.See you later. 

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