A Avesome Marina

Today I am going to define a marina. On marina, the ships are lined up in the marina. Each row has a certain number of ships. When in row number A when has 6 ships in number B has 6 ships, too. And most of the marinas are dirty. But this marina is so clean. When you look in the sea you can’t see any trash. You can see fish in there. You can swim here but you must be careful about ships because there is a sharp propeller under the ships and if a ship is coming towards you, you must get out of the water. There are two lighthouses at the entrance of the marina. There is also a wall to open when the ships pass. The one lighthouse is red, one of them is green. There are blood bags next to them so that the ships do not collide and damage each other while they are swaying in the wind. The longer the ships stay in the marina, the more they pay. So, this is a marina like this.

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