Green Rain

Everything changed one day when the sky started turning green instead of blue. People initially believed it to be an aberration, a strange meteorological event that would end in a few minutes. However, the grass grew thicker like a jungle, the flowers twisted into odd spiral patterns, and the foliage of trees darkened to an ugly shade as the green drips soaked into the ground. Something metallic, something unidentified, tainted the earthy scent of the air.

Scientists rushed to find a reason. Was there any pollution? A change in the air? Some thought it was a gift, a warning, or a communication from the universe. However, the rain continued. Buildings became unstable and covered in moss as it fell in continuous sheets, transforming rivers and lakes into shades of deep emerald. Then the people were different.

It seemed subtle at first. For hours, a man in the park looked clearly at a flower. On the metro, a woman hummed a melody that no one knew and that made everyone shudder. The changes then became indisputable. The light gave skin a slight green glow. Patterns never seen before were reflected by eyes that sparkled like diamonds. Tree voices, whispers in the wind that told of long-forgotten centuries, were heard by some.

Fear wrapped. In order to prevent the rain, the government issued a state of emergency and advised people to stay inside. However, it was too late. Everything and everyone had been affected by the green. An energy that had never been before flowed through the world, an ancient force awakening from a long sleep.

The difference between those who supported the change and those who rejected it soon became clear. In an attempt to survive the storm, the Resistors hunkered down in sterilized buildings while wearing protective suits. The Changed, whose skin was alive with bright veins and whose voices echoed with something unimaginable to humans, walked the woodlands that had once been towns. They made no mention of conquering or battle. They talked about harmony and a world that had been restarted in line with long-forgotten elements.

It kept raining. The old world disappeared and a fresh, wild one emerged in its stead. The final Resistors recognized that there was no way to halt what had started as they watched from the top of their tall towers as the green tide consumed everything they had ever known. Humanity was forced to follow the earth’s decision to start over.

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