Emotional Bonds

I woke up in the morning and sit there for a while, because ı didn’t have a reason to get up from bed. I used to have a purpose to get up from the bed. I used to wake up for make my parents proud. I used to wake up to see the people ı love and care. Even so ı got up and walk to kitchen. My mother prepering the breakfast but there is only one plate on the table. She didin’t look me with love. There is no emotions in her eyes. I didn’t feel sad fot that. I remembered the old  days but ı didn’t feel sad.


I left the house wihtout having breakfast. There is used to home for me but now its just a normal house like any of in the Street. I walked to the school, ı didn’t say “hi” or “how are you” to the security. I didn’t say hi anybody. I didnt know why we are like this. Why we dont love each other? Why we don’t hate each anymore? We couldn’t  worry about anybody else. We were selfish and careless. I pass by my friend, even my best friend. I pass by the people ı hate. We don’t look each other with hate. This make me think that maybe losing your sociel bonds are not too bad. Then ı looked my friend. I regret for my tought. When you dont have your sociel bods and emotions for other people you dont have a reason to live with your family, you dont have a reason to sit next  to your friend or eat lunch togather.

After a few weeks, ı realise something. You can remember your memorise togather and with these memorise you can create new bonds. I  think about it for days and nights. And one day ınstead of leaving the house ı give a hug to my mom. She was suprised but she hug me back, then she put two more plate to the table. One for me and the other for my dad. After all that weeks ı finally feel really happy. I went to school and smile every person. I talk with my friends and after all of these  ı learned that our emotional bonds inside of us. We cant forget or left them behind.

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