Free Fall

  There is chaos everywhere; little pigs being chased by some cats, roosters running around for no reason. Only place with no action in this farm was where cows were grazing, and a small barn non of the animals dared to even come close to. It was a small girl inside, sitting in the corner. She had long golden hair dropping down her shoulders. Her head was between knees, it could be understood from the deep breaths she was taking that she just had cried. Suddenly a soft wet thing ­nudged her head. Her head lifted immediately and looked up to see a beautiful white horse, also the reason why other animals never came inside this specific barn. Her name was spice, she had white fur with two brown peace of hair braided down made it seem like a royal horse but the muscled legs and the angry look in her red eyes told the truth about her personality.

  Spice was very loyal to her owner Linda and any distraction or bother for her ment she had to destroy it. At that moment Spice didn’t know what to do, only thing she could’ve done was to put her head down and share the pain with her. As She leaned down for some support Linda pushed her away gently and got up from the corner. Her faced turned red and matched the color of her eyes, was she about to cry again?

  Linda wasn’t very popular at, not even teachers realized she didn’t came to school for three days in a row. So it wouldn’t be needed to tell them about her parents deadly car crash. When she arrived to school late for the first lesson nobody around she got relieved and break down infront of her locker. Until the lesson finished she didn’t got up from there but when ir finally did she got up and went to the english class immediately. Her face was all red but nobody cared not even enough to look at her and wonder what could have happened. She sat down on a empty seat and stayed with the same emotionless expression on her face. Until half of the lesson when a teacher softly knocked on Linda’s  desk with her nails and warned her. After the lesson finished Linda waited for everyone to leav and got up. When she turned around she saw a boy her age standing in front of her. When she looked at the boy confused her teacher pulled her aside. It was a shocking turn of events for her now she was even more confused. Than her thatcher tell her to thing about what she asked in the class and tell her in privet she also told her that she knew something was wrong but she wasn’t going to ask about it because she could tell it was too soon. When she walked pas her without any exchange of any words back. When the boy stopped her again and asked her to meat him at the park in front of the school. They talked about what teacher had been talking about in the class and ask her opinion. She said “I wish I was a cloud, because I could go all around the world and be closer to my parents”. This was the first real conversation she had in days and she remembered it after one year of her parents dead and on the anniversary of her best friends murder.

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