What would my life be like if my phone wasn’t for a month? First of all, this would be very useful. Since I won’t have a phone, I can spend more time face to face with people, I will socialize more, I will make more friends. I would be more successful academically. Technological devices can spoil our eyes, our eye health is better when we don’t look at them. I deal with sports more. Now let’s plan for a month, I would get a new activity forI would fill a month with activities like ice skating, playing golf, playing the piano, swimming, painting, starting yoga and pilates, horseback riding, meeting friends, shopping, dancing, cooking and so on. I used to do a different activity every day. I would go to the gym a few days a week. I would constantly travel and explore places.Maybe this untechned moon will be better for me. I think this can be considered a month of listening to the head. At first, I said that this month would be very difficult, but when I see the activities that can be done, I think it will not be very difficult. In fact, it is far from technology, even if it is a little comfortable, away from problems. When we say that it is far from problems, it is far from the news, for example, television will not watch the news every day and feel sorry for the situation of the country.What would make me happy in this process? Meeting new good people, socializing, developing in many areas, improving academically would make me very happy in this process.As a result, I can do a lot of activities in a month without technology and improve myself, I can study and be successful, I can make new friends and socialize.
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