Protecting Children!

As a society, we are responsible for the children in our community. If we don’t do anything about their rights and their free will our society will be eradicated since there won’t be a healthy community to stand up. We as individuals live in a society where many children are stripped from their rights.

I think that taking away a child’s rights is taking away the future of the country or society because when we strip away their rights we strip away their future’s since they won’t be able to shape it. The future of the society depends on the children simply because they will be the next generation to continue the society and if they are given no rights they wont be able to live peacefully and healthy in a unhealthy community. If we don’t care about the children’s future and rights no one which indicates that we as individuals are responsible for the well being of our community’s children. The children will shape the future in different ways not millennials won’t be able to do so since there is a generation difference. We should do are best to try and protect our children and let them have the right to live, educate themselves, have a home and many more. These children will be the next generation so if we don’t protect them the humans wont be able to continue to exist since everything around us is changing we have to change ourselves too. Children are able to change and adapt faster then adults do and if we don’t protect them we slim their chance to create a better future for the next generations to come. Possibly by protecting our children we will reach a new way of thinking and improve ourselves for the better. This could maybe change our way of living and seeing life in a newer perspective due to he children making a healthier one.

I think protecting children is a important issue and that it should be resolved immediately and that with taken the course of action this issue would be resolved leaving us with a better and brighter future with the help of the children. I strongly agree with protecting our children and their rights.

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